Menjaga kepercayaan itu gak bisa basi, yang basi adalah ketika kamu gak bisa jaga kepercayaan buat dia.
Inget kan, kalau dulu kamu sempet bilang ke dia "aku percaya kamu".
Kalau pacaran jarak jauh tetep gak bisa kontrol emosi kangen kayanya percuma bela-belain beli pulsa, pulsa itu penyedia, sinyal itu alatnya. dan SABAR yang bisa nampung semuanya.
Menahan rasa kangen gak sesusah meladeni kangen, ya cukup saling menghargailah kalo ada yang lagi kangen, dan yang kangen bisa menghargai kalau yang dikangeninya itu sedang sibuk,
hubungan itu gak cuma bicara kata sayang. tapi, bicara rasa pengertian yang besar, tanpa ada kata batas.
Kalau kangen mau gimana lagi, cuma bisa nahan dan sabar. kalau gak cukup ngerti untuk semuanya bisa gak bertahan lama.
Masih tetep ragu sama pacar karena dia sibuk dan kamu dinomor-sekiankan dengan kesibukannya, di mana kepercayaan kamu untuk pacar, di mana rasa pengertian yang besar terhadap pacar? Just bullsihit?
Ragu itu wajar, berarti harus ada yang berbenah diri, kenapa keraguan itu mendadak ada? berbenah diri itu harus, seenggaknya menghindari keributan, dan kata "jenuh".
Jangan terlalu merasa dalam kondisi 'aku dicuekin sama kamu' inget dia sedang apa, kalo sibuk dengan kerjaannya MENGERTILAH. Pacaran jarak jauh itu gak semudah menahan kangen, bisa mudah kalau bisa menghargai sikap dan keadaan masing-masing.
Mengerti aja gak cukup, karena semua orang gak banyak yang gak bisa ngertiin pacarnya, di LDR diuji kedewasaan yang kita miliki. Harus ada yang saling mendukung, mensupport pacar yang jauh. jangan selalu menyalahkan "kamu sibuk, kamu gak peka, kamu cuek" itu ibarat senjata andalan kamu buat nyerang pacar kalau dia udah berubah.
Kalau mau tetep terus-meneus menyalahkan keadaan, mau sampe kapan? sampe ada yang merasa bersalah lalu 'kalah'.
Masih tetep nyalahin pacar karena ninggalin kamu jauh. hati-hati, lama-lama dia merasa terbebani lalu dia akan 'kalah'.
ingetkan, terkadang yang mengalah dan selalu disalahkan suatu saat akan kalah.
y e l v i a n d a n e s a
it's me, no like others,-
Sunday, 25 August 2013
Monday, 5 August 2013
Sunday, 14 July 2013
hey, if you are looking "just" someone who can share time with you more than anything, just go away right now. Go!
because i'm looking for someone who can keep body and herself and her feeling too, totally keep everything for someone who love her.
Because, i don't need your time!
I need you!
yes you!
just you! not your time.
you completely.
because i'm looking for someone who can keep body and herself and her feeling too, totally keep everything for someone who love her.
Because, i don't need your time!
I need you!
yes you!
just you! not your time.
you completely.
Wednesday, 10 July 2013
Thursday, 4 July 2013
Smokey Joe VS Hand Grip (still on progress)
I picked up this
cruisy little clunker of a 76 CB100 in 2012.
Now I could go down the list of modifications we’ve preformed like :
- Custom bars,
- Refurbished Honda S90 tank,
- Yamaha S SX front shocks and triple trees,
- SR400 rear shock,
- (front) Swallow 19' tires sitting on iron rims (custom rim)
- (rear) Swallow 18’ tires sitting on alloy rims
the pics in the bottom is "Smokey Joe" motorcycle build by deusbali ,
the pics in the bottom just for preview, exactly only for reference.
Now I could go down the list of modifications we’ve preformed like :
- Custom bars,
- Refurbished Honda S90 tank,
- Yamaha S SX front shocks and triple trees,
- SR400 rear shock,
- (front) Swallow 19' tires sitting on iron rims (custom rim)
- (rear) Swallow 18’ tires sitting on alloy rims
the pics in the bottom is "Smokey Joe" motorcycle build by deusbali ,
the pics in the bottom just for preview, exactly only for reference.

the 'Prospect' hits Canggu (my delayed project)
This little back-road blaster has been somewhat of a
fixture in the workshop over the last few months…being put together,
redesigned, and broken down again…trying to find a look for it that just
fit.Because of its ever changing future, it has been dubbed ‘The
Prospect’. Starting off life as a 1976 Honda CB100, she sat patiently as
plans and parts for her transformation slowly came together. Things
finally made sense with the arrival of a chrome alloy ‘Peanut’ tank
courtesy of the boys in Camperdown. As soon as the reflective orb hit
the frame the other parts just seemed to gravitate towards it, until
finally the general idea was complete.
(more after the jump)
So once again everything was removed, and the 35 year old
frame was ground down and rebuilt specifically for the job in hand. The
engine received a full overhaul and bore, bringing it up closer to the
180cc mark…as well as a snazzy polish job on the exterior.
So after the waiting, designing and building, this minute monster is now rockin’ -- BSA Handlebars
- BSA Gum Grips
- Custom Fenders
- Custom Seat
- Chrome Alloy Peanut Tank
- Easy Rider Tail light
- Icon Shocks
- Bullet Blinkers
- Daytona Mini Speedo
- Custom Free flow exhaust
- Brembo front disc and caliper

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